E-mail campaigns

E-mail campaigns can be a very important part of a campaign, community group, etc. They allow you to contact your supporters to let them know about upcoming events, share news, get sign ups for volunteer events, and more.

Free e-mail services, like Mailman, can be fine; however, you're limited in your features. You can't easily handle unsubscribes and subscribes, and you have no statistics on your e-mails. For a campaign, community group, or business those stats can be very important.

They're even better if you get full statistics on open rates (the number of e-mails that were opened), click-thru rates (the number of links in your e-mail that were clicked on), and more. This lets you know how effective your e-mail was and that it was indeed delivered.

We offer e-mail campaign software that gives you all these benefits. Our CRM (Constituent Relationship Management) is used to keep track of volunteer and supporter information. It can also be used to collect names and email addresses to run your e-mail blasts.

We also offer service to theme your template so that it looks similar to your web site and to manage the list software for you. You can choose to send the e-mails yourself, or have us send them.

Click here to contact us for a price quote for this service.